About Me

Hi there! I am a data scientist with a passion for using data to develop a deeper understanding of the world.

In my four years as a data professional, I have also been a data translator who turns raw data into insights used by decision makers, a data analyst who finds optimization opportunties through analyses and creates dasboards to understand performance, and a pseudo data engineer who creates ETL pipelines and automates time-consuming manual processes. Emphasis on the pseudo part. I was standing in for a vacant data engineer role in my day job as a data analyst.

Outside of work, I am active in the local data community as an avid participant in local meet ups and hackathons/datathons like those hosted by Data for Good and hackseq.

When I’m not geeking out about data, you can usually find me hiking, snowshoeing, or camping. I also volunteer at a local Army Cadet unit (2381 RCACC), providing mentorship and guidance to help senior cadets grow their leadership and instructional abilities.

Joffre Lakes 2019
This is one of my favourite photos of my outdoor adventures (well… technically two), taken just two months apart!